What is Pheed And Should You Be Using it?

The name Pheed may be less than inspiring, but the concept behind this new social media site is a little more intriguing, especially to those of us bored with Facebook and unimpressed by Twitter. I’m not saying I am, per se, but some of you might be! While most...

Twitter Takes Over One 2012 Presidential Debate

Wednesday night’s presidential debate that took place at Denver University between President Obama and GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, has officially been deemed the most tweeted about event in U.S political history.  The presidential debate even topped record...

5 Blogging Faux Pas: What NOT To Do While Blogging

Blogging is an art form, and a skill that takes time to perfect.  With the influx of blogging being a relatively new concept, there are important do’s & don’ts to become familiar with in the blogging sphere in order to make your posts successful and frequently...