Negative SEO

Business owners today spend the majority of their marketing dollars and countless hours working to boost their business’s online presence.  Many sites have spent years building killer content that grabs attention and delights the audience. A website, whether for...

The Growth of the Visual Web [Infographic]

The power of visual content marketing has been exponential. Many of us did not realize how impactful pictures and images would be against content full of verbiage. If you don’t realize how important it has been, just think about what the popular web apps have...

New Social Media Research

Social media trends are always evolving. It is essential to keep up with these changes as they can make a big difference in marketing strategies and how businesses target an audience. Here are a few new trends that could change your marketing strategy for the year....

Make the Most of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is becoming the major networking website for businesses. It has grown from simply being a collection of resumes to a beneficial tool for furthering one’s career. By taking advantage of LinkedIn’s features, professionals can improve their profile and network....