Foursquare is a location-based social media tool that has become increasingly popular among portable device users. This mobile site helps users find their friends, find companies or businesses using GPS hardware, search for tips on various business locations, etc.

Foursquare has become an increasingly useful social media tool for businesses/individuals looking to benefit from a social media strategy. People like to compete and social media is revolutionizing the way businesses/brands/people do that. Below are six reasons businesses should use Foursquare as a social media tool:

Ability to Claim Venues

Traditionally, businesses claimed venues and got verified using snail mail. Foursquare currently allows instant online verification, which gives individuals and businesses an immediate opportunity to claim and control accounts. Through foursquare, businesses can now make it easier for their customers to find their exact location.

Ability to Create Business Pages

Foursquare also allows companies, even those that haven’t claimed venues/physical locations, to set up pages. Foursquare business pages are important marketing tools for businesses because customers have access to numerous features that businesses can use to promote their brands. For instance, a foursquare page allows customers following your company/brand to see helpful tips, your location, incentives, etc..

Ability to Offer Incentives

This social tool is also important to businesses because it allows them to offer their customers incentives. For instance, verified businesses have the ability to design and create special unlock codes for all customers who check into their location(s). Such incentives include discounts, freebies, etc. that can be used one time.

Ability to Offer Helpful Tips

Businesses/brands can also leave tips and information on other locations, instantly creating brand loyalty. With Foursquare, businesses can go beyond self promotion and provide helpful information that is relevant to other venues.

Ability to Partner with Other Brands

Foursquare also allows brands/companies to partner with each other. This is crucial, especially for those brands/businesses that don’t have physical locations and still need visibility.

Ability to Cross-Promote

This mobile tool also allows businesses/individuals to link Foursquare accounts with other social media website accounts. For instance, it is possible to link your Foursquare account with your Twitter, Facebook, Google+ accounts. Your foursquare individual/business page can also host links to other websites.

Have other reasons Foursquare should be used as part of your social strategy? Please share them below!