The Ultimate Guide to Hashtags [Infographic]

Hashtags…what are they? How many are you supposed to use? Where should you be using them?! Using hashtags is a great way to attract the right followers to your business. Your social media posts are shown to your current followers, but if you use hashtags...

Google Hashtags

Hashtags on Google+ can be a very useful tool for directing more traffic to your posts. Google+’s hashtags work a little differently than Twitter’s or Facebook’s do, however. By learning the ins and outs of hashtags on Google+, you can reach more people from outside...

How To Use Hashtags on Google Plus [Infographic]

It has become a hashtag world in the ‘social media sphere’. If used correctly this social pound-sign has such great influencing power and can get your content in front of not only more people, but the right people! In essence, this tool helps businesses...

Google Hashtags

Hashtags have been widely used on many social platforms as they allow users to join conversations on a particular topic. In May, Google+ was the latest social media player to introduce hashtags. Recently, Google has announced that their search engine will feature...