Top 10 ways to lose Facebook fansFacebook is one of the smartest platforms a company can use to increase their awareness. However, Facebook can also backfire on a business if it isn’t being used efficiently. Here are ten surefire ways to misuse Facebook and lose your followers.

1) Copycat posts

Be original. The content on your Facebook page should reflect your company and what it has to offer. If your Facebook page is being managed by an independent community manager, make sure they are familiar with the mission, purpose, and vision of your company. Don’t post an ad you saw on another company’s page just because you like it. Originality is key.

2) Leaving your Facebook page only half filled out

The last thing you want is an incomplete Facebook page. Your Facebook page is a representation of you and your company, so make sure it’s filled out completely, and with as much relevant information as possible. Be sure to list your company’s address and phone number, along with a map and a biography. Lastly, don’t forget to upload pictures!

3) Over posting

Enthusiasm is a great quality, but don’t overdo it. Followers find it annoying when their Facebook feeds are bombarded by any one Facebook account. You don’t need to post something every 5 minutes. Posting every several hours is okay, as long as the content is not repetitive. Switch between photos, comments, and statuses.

4) Posting irrelevant materialTop 10 ways to lose Facebook fans

Because your page is specific to your company, fans won’t be interested in your posts if they have nothing to do with your business. Keep the cute pictures and funny memes for your personal Facebook page.

It’s fine to post something inspirational once in a while, or to acknowledge a holiday or an event happening in the world, but remember that your followers are following you because they want information regarding your company.

5) Constantly pitching products

Variety is crucial, especially on Facebook. Your followers will lose interest if you only use Facebook to promote products. Upload articles relevant to your company, upload pictures of the office and of your employees – remember to be human. If your Facebook page reads like a robot is operating it, your fan base will diminish quickly

6) Not responding to your followers

Facebook is first and foremost a social sphere. If you aren’t responding to your fans, they will likely be offended, lose interest and de-friend you. Failing to engage with your followers is one of the easiest ways to lose followers. Be sure to thank them for feedback and respond to their comments.

7) Shameless self-promotion

It’s understandable that you’re proud of your business – you should be after all. However, there is a fine line between being proud and bragging, and you don’t want to cross it. Do your followers a favor and think twice before smothering their feeds with shameless and tacky self-promotion.

Top 10 ways to lose Facebook fans8) Forgetting to follow through with promotions

Promotional posts are a great way to attract followers. On that note, promoting your business through contests, and then forgetting to reward the winner is a surefire way to lose followers and receive negative feedback.

Be smart about your contests and other promotional tools – don’t over promote to the point where you can’t remember which contest offered which reward, and who won what contest.

9) Negativity

Everyone knows the saying, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Well, this rings true for Facebook posts as well. Your followers will drop like flies if you begin to use Facebook as an outlet for your frustration.

10) Begging for likes

You don’t want to come off as pathetic or desperate. Fans will like your page because they want to, not because you’re begging them to. As long as your Facebook page is filled with relevant, interesting information about your company, and you engage with your followers, your fan base will increase naturally.

Remember, your company’s Facebook page is a social media ambassador. When used properly, it can be a company’s greatest ally. As long as you avoid these ten mistakes, your Facebook page is sure to gain attention and awareness.