online marketing firm

The most powerful search engine in the world recently rolled out sophisticated changes to its search algorithm. Google’s newest search system, Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), utilizes a neural network-based technique to help computers process the nuances of human language. The new search model is designed to improve Google’s already precise results and provide an even better user experience. Interested in learning more about this new algorithm and how it may affect your site? Since one in 10 queries are expected to be affected by the changes, you may benefit from assistance from an online marketing firm. Here’s what you need to know about BERT:

What Is BERT?

BERT isn’t replacing RankBrain, the artificial intelligence search system that Google introduced in 2015. This newest neural network technique will enhance the search engine’s ability to understand the context of speech, leading to more accurate results. In the past, search engines based query results on a traditional pattern of left-to-right or right-to-left word sequencing. While this produced useful results a majority of the time, the search engine was not fully able to decode the context of the query. Thanks to BERT, Google will have a better chance of picking up the nuances of natural human communication. Rather than providing results based on simple sequencing, the neural network will aim to pick up on context. Previously, the search engine struggled to produce accurate results when conversational queries containing the words “to” or “for” were entered. With BERT in place, Google now has a much better chance of finding results that users are looking for. For examples of the changes in results, please visit this site.

How Might BERT Affect Your Site?

The introduction of BERT is significant, as approximately 10% of queries will be affected by the change. To ensure that your site isn’t negatively impacted, be sure to analyze its performance. Since Google is always striving to provide the most helpful results for users, you can optimize your site’s performance simply by writing content that feels natural. BERT is especially adept at understanding the natural flow of language, so one of the best things you can do is focus on creating clear content that solves problems for your audience.

Google is on the cutting edge of technology, and its deep neural networking search system is expected to provide users with incredibly accurate results to queries. Staying up-to-date with the latest improvements to neural networks and deep learning and how these changes affect SEO is quite a challenge. If you’d prefer to pour your energy into other aspects of your business, consider seeking help from an online marketing firm. Our team is here to help you achieve your marketing goals, and we’ll work with you to create a customized plan for your success. Ready to learn more about our services? Please contact us today.