In the online marketing world, there are many ways to reach your intended audience, yet each method serves a specific purpose. Retargeting ads are one of the many strategies that companies may employ to capture the attention of an interested audience. This type of marketing is extremely important because it allows companies to convert the large majority of users they didn’t capture right away. Here we share the importance and methodology behind retargeting ads and why they are a crucial element in successful social media marketing campaigns.

How Do Retargeting Ads Work?

Retargeting is also referred to as remarketing because it’s a form of online advertisement that markets to an audience who has previously visited your site. Only 2% of people are converted to customers on their first visit to a company’s website. The other 98% may have been interested, but for one reason or another left the website. Retargeting focuses on this group and displays additional ads in an attempt to convert new business. Since folks showed initial interest, a retargeting ad would be a simple reminder that your product or service may still work for their needs.

Who Uses Retargeting Ads?

Facebook and Instagram make it easy to incorporate retargeting ads into a comprehensive online marketing campaign. Both platforms let the marketer choose a target audience based upon the degree of engagement they have had with the company — i.e. liking a post, clicking an ad, visiting a page, etc. Then, the business displays remarketing ads on the target audiences’ social media feeds, showcasing the products or services the users initially inquired about.

Many types of businesses may incorporate retargeting ads. From well-known companies that need to sell surplus product to small businesses interested in building brand awareness, retargeting ads can be designed to highlight the specific good or service you want to sell.  

Why Is Retargeting So Effective?

Remarketing campaigns are effective because they capture an audience who is already interested in your product or service. Instead of casting a random net or targeting a specific demographic, remarketing acknowledges people who already want what you’re selling. They like your brand but may have become distracted or decided to postpone checking out for one reason or another.

Should I Use Retargeting Ads?

In short – yes! Retargeting ads work as a gentle nudge, reminding interested parties that your company offers the high-quality product or service they need. For cost-effective marketing and extremely effectual advertising, you should consider implementing retargeting ads on your Instagram and Facebook pages.

Retargeting ads are powerful methods of marketing online. These advertisements may convert initially interested parties into future clients by redirecting them toward your company’ssite. Please contact us to discover more about how this type of marketing may help your business grow.