A brand identity suite, or brand kit, is a collection of images, stories, text, ad copy, and videos that define a brand across websites, social media platforms, media packages, and other platforms. The elements in a brand identity suite involve visual, verbal, and style components, such as:

  • Logos
  • Colors and hues
  • Fonts
  • Photos and illustrations
  • Graphics and patterns
  • Brand name
  • Taglines and mission statements
  • Voice and personality
  • Brand narratives
  • Style guides
  • Templates 
  • Instructions on how specific elements should be used in particular layouts (such as long-form copy versus Facebook ads)

A brand identity suite is essential for your business for several reasons, including the following:

Consistent Messaging

Without a brand identity suite, maintaining consistency becomes difficult, and that consistency is essential for helping your brand gain recognition—the primary goal of marketing. Although it may appear to be a minor change, even a subtle shift, like switching between color palettes or changing from Times New Roman to Helvetica, can disrupt your messaging and confuse potential customers. In other words, consistency keeps clients engaged. 

A Competitive Advantage

A brand identity suite enables you to distinguish yourself from competitors by making your words and visuals memorable and unique. It provides an opportunity to establish your voice as the leader in your industry. It also helps you differentiate yourself from similar businesses based on values, goals, return policies, customer service, past successes, and more. All of this fosters a competitive edge. 

An Emotional Connection

A company that doesn’t know what it stands for is one that customers can’t truly trust. In contrast, a company confident in its message fosters loyalty, relatability, and confidence among its loyal clientele. When customers trust your products and services, and understand your brand and what it represents, they can create a deeper emotional connection, resulting in relationships that last for years. 

A brand identity suite is a vital piece to your profit puzzle. If you have any questions about building your company identity or anything else, give us a shout; we’ll be happy to help.