SEO Report: Avoiding Thin Content

SEO guidelines have been changing over the years. Now, the key to a successful website is less about utilizing keywords and more about relevant content. In fact, Google Panda, the search engine’s ranking algorithm, is designed to sift out websites with thin content....

SEO Pitfalls to Avoid

In our current digital era, businesses can’t afford NOT to invest in online marketing. Over the past two decades, the Internet has become the main source of information for consumers and the most vital marketing tool for business owners. There are hundreds of new...

Improve SEO with Social Media [Infographic]

Why is social media more important than ever? Social media pages are taken into account when search engines ‘tally’  up signals for SEO. They are creating a huge impact in how your pages can be ranked with the big search engines, which makes it hard to...

Negative SEO

Business owners today spend the majority of their marketing dollars and countless hours working to boost their business’s online presence.  Many sites have spent years building killer content that grabs attention and delights the audience. A website, whether for...

SEO for 2014

In 2014, having quality content that is useful to a search engine user is key. In the past year, the Google Hummingbird algorithm was released and this overhaul of the search system has made a searcher’s intent the focus. This means that rather than relying on links...