In this ever-evolving technology-driven world, marketers need access to information about what social media strategies are able to rake in large amounts of engagement and what cannot.
It is important for marketers to utilize social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest in the most productive ways possible.
Businesses are slowly realizing the strong influence social media can have on their company and it is important to strategically plan social media efforts in order to meet the company’s marketing goals.
Sometimes it can be a challenge for companies to figure out how the business should engage on specific social media platforms, and it makes it even more difficult considering that social media is still a relatively new realm and no official protocol has ben set.
As a result, many companies are failing to maximize the benefits of engaging in social media and maximizing their efforts. Here are a few of the most common mistakes made by social media marketers:
Initial Contact is Impersonal. It is imperative that the initial contact with a potential client via social media needs to be a positive one. A company should treat social media interactions the same way they would treat in-person interactions. Try to personalize responses to clients in order to make their experience better and make the client feel that they are important to the company. To learn more about possible clients and find ways to connect with them read their blogs and Twitter stream to get a better feel for what interests them.
Unwilling to Devote Time and Energy into Social Media Efforts. Once your company has decided to utilize its social media efforts, it is important to actually devote a great deal of time and energy into your social media accounts in order to be successful.
You can’t expect your social media strategies to be extremely successful if you don’t put in the effort to update blogs with new content and maximize Twitter’s possibilities. Your company must make a commitment to spend time on their efforts to produce traffic to their websites.
Ignoring Your Audience. As previously mentioned, it is so important to make a commitment to your company’s social media accounts, and remember not to get involved without actually getting involved 100 percent.
Treat your social media audience as customers or clients you deal with on a day-to-day basis, they are just as important! It is especially important to remember that all your interactions via social media are public and are able to be viewed by other clients, so make sure that you are representing your company properly while interacting.
Not Utilizing Negative Feedback Opportunities. One of the beautiful things about social media is that it provides the customer the ability to give immediate feedback of their experiences with a particular company.
This is a great way for the company to immediately fix any problems or complaints that the customer has expressed, and it also allows the company an opportunity to redeem themselves and offer some sort of compensation or apology.
Expecting Big and Quick Results. It is important to remember that building a successful social media marketing campaign is a challenging task and it will naturally take some time to build a solid group of loyal followers. It is very unlikely for companies to skyrocket overnight with success in the social media department, so just remember to work hard at your efforts and remain consistent.
Quick Interesting Facts: 44 percent of people say the reason they ‘unliked’ brands on Facebook was because the company posted too frequently, and 52 percent of people stopped following brands on Twitter because the content became repetitive or boring over time.