A company’s website is its calling card, often providing the first impression potential clients and customers receive. Creating a website that best reflects your brand, provides pertinent information, and holds the audience’s attention will help your business gain visibility, prominence, and clients. Poorly designed websites do just the opposite and can steer prospects away and into the arms of a competitor. To avoid this and grow your business through social media marketing, avoid these common mistakes when designing or updating your website.
Poor Visibility and Cramped Pages
When a visitor first encounters your business’s website, they should be able to relate to the information included on its landing page. Occasionally, companies are tempted to cram a lot of information on the first page in an attempt to guess what the visitor would like to see. However, too much information may actually drive the reader away. Small font size, cramped text boxes, and competing colors lead to an overwhelming array of distractions that can be irritating to navigate. Internet users have grown accustomed to ease of reading and navigation; therefore, busy landing and product pages can deter even the most interested visitors.
Zero Smart Phone Compatibility
Now more than ever, consumers are funneled to websites through their mobile apps. IGTV, Facebook, and Twitter have options that allow the user to conveniently access the company’s page, straight from the app. If your page isn’t compatible with a smartphone, it makes it increasingly difficult for potential clients to navigate. Instead, ensure your website is correctly presented both on desktop and mobile platforms, guaranteeing that customers are able to access, view, and order your product or service easily.
Inorganic or Unclear Call to Action
The entire purpose of your website is to attract new customers and retain current business. When visitors are browsing your page, they’ll need to know what to do next in order to use your service, purchase your product, order more, or reschedule. Incorporating calls to action is subtle yet direct, showing users where to go next. Without these, the flow of traffic on your page can come to a screeching halt. Include a clear and concise call to action on product and service pages, but especially in blog posts. Users may get drawn to your page through an article found via a search engine and need to know the next step. A call to action is the best way to accomplish this.
Lack of Analytics
Analytics are the most useful way to determine whether your website is working. Some businesses feel that they can judge their website’s success based on sales numbers, and while this can be a quick gauge, analytics delves deeper. Your website is constantly collecting various pieces of data that represents each visitor. This data can demonstrate how long people spend on a particular page, how they discovered your site, what type of content they most enjoy reading, and more. As time goes by, you can modify your website to cater to the user’s desires.
Weak SEO
Search engine optimization is key to earning top spots in Google, Yahoo, and the like. Businesses tend to overlook SEO, when in reality, it’s a crucial tool that gives many brands a leg up on the competition. Strong SEO helps companies earn more business, increase revenue, and access a pertinent client pool. As the internet continues to evolve, so too do search engine algorithms. Landing in the top ten search engine rankings can do so much more for your business than traditional advertising and will reach many more people who are actually interested in your goods or service.
Your service is high-end and your products are top-quality, so your website should be, too. Avoid these mistakes by hiring a top-rated web development and online marketing company. At SunnySide Social Media, we pride ourselves in quality web design, custom-tailored content, and superior analytics to ensure your page is operating at peak performance. If you’re looking for the best Denver social media marketing consultants, contact us today to request a complimentary consultation.