A well-planned landing page design is a vital part of a successful marketing campaign. It effectively opens the door to your website, inviting people in to surf and shop. But having a landing page is not enough; your content requires a certain finesse to prove effective. To increase your conversions through more impactful copy and design, consider the following:

A Heroic Hero Section

The hero section of your website is your time to shine: it gives you a chance to tell customers why you stand out and what you can offer them (which is what they care about). The best hero sections include these important elements:

  • A bold headline that makes the consumer a promise 
  • Clarity on how you can fulfill that promise
  • A clear call to action
  • Bullet points highlighting the benefits of your product or service
  • An image that conveys a happy customer or successful outcome

A Solution to a Validated Problem

Visitors to your website need something; whether it’s a kitchen remodel, a new podiatrist, or an oil change, they have a problem they want solved. Acknowledging this problem and validating how it may impact the consumer’s life allows you to usher in the solution (i.e., your company). 

The Benefits and Features of Your Product or Service

Highlighting the key benefits of your product or service tells the customer how it can improve their life. Be direct, succinct, and customer-centric, and opt for an easily digestible layout (such as a three-column display). 

The features of your offerings should be highlighted, as well. Choose around 10-20 items to mention and put them in an easily readable format. If you have too much text, visitors are likely to glance over this section. 

Impactful Testimonials

Claiming that your company is exceptional is one thing; backing it up is another. Testimonials allow you to do the latter, turning your talk into action and giving potential customers something to sink their teeth (and their money) into. If you need testimonials, solicit feedback from happy customers. Then, make use of videos, before and after stories, or particularly impactful experiences. 

Acknowledgement of Frequent Concerns

The bottom of the landing page is a space to remind consumers of the negatives of not using your product or service while addressing frequent concerns the public may have. A list of a handful of important and common questions and answers tends to suffice. Any minor concerns can be addressed on a separate FAQ page or by contacting you directly. 

Unless you’re a snake neurologist, a rat therapist, a doll hair stylist, or something equally unique, there are probably multiple companies offering the same products and services that you do. Therefore, it’s important to stand out. A well-written and precisely designed landing page allows you to do just that.

Need some guidance on landing pages or anything else? Give us a shout and we’ll be happy to help.