The impact of social media on your company’s reputation can’t be overstated—especially now, in the ever-growing age of technology and instant gratification. However, it’s not as simple as posting your brand’s promotional content left and right and hoping to build a following. There are a lot of different factors that play into whether or not your page takes off. Here are a few excellent rules of thumb that will save you in the long run: keep it real, be creative, engage, and use the free tools that social platforms provide.

Facebook recently released a blog and infographic, titled “Best Practices for Facebook and Instagram“, where they delve into the ways brands and figures can build successful and authentic presences on their two sister platforms. They shared the key basics business owners should know about the two sites, insight on what works and what doesn’t, and some notes that are definitely worth reading. Check out that guide below and don’t hesitate to contact a professional at SunnySide if you need some help getting your brand’s page up and running.
Social Media Marketing