There are a host of digital advertising platforms to choose from, including Google Ads, Bing, Facebook Ads, and many more. When you’re trying to get the most exposure for your brand, it can be challenging to narrow down the best options. It may be helpful to work with an online marketing firm to determine the best path forward, and in many cases, a strategist will recommend using multiple advertising platforms to work in synergy with each other. Here, we share more about how Google Ads, Bing, and social media ads can work in harmony to benefit your business:

Why You Should Consider Using Social Media Ads in Tandem with Other Channels

When building your marketing campaign, you may be interested in sticking with just one advertising platform to stay within your budget. However, using multiple platforms may help you get the best bang for your buck. Google Ads’ strength lies in the breadth of its audience: many people use Google, and its advanced analytics make it possible to keep improving your outreach over time as you gain deeper insight into your customers.

Bing, owned by Microsoft, functions across three separate search engines: Bing, Yahoo, and AOL. Although Google has more users, Bing comes in second place. This means that Bing is the best way to reach customers or clients who aren’t using Google as their primary search engine. Bing PPC may also be more effective than Google because this search engine has less competition, which often translates to cheaper clicks.

Although search engine marketing is an excellent way to display your ads to a relevant audience, social media advertising is also a smart choice. Facebook alone has more than 2.45 billion monthly users, making this advertising platform a useful option for marketers hoping to reach a broad range of demographics. If you’re looking to reach a younger crowd, TikTok, Snapchat, or Instagram may be your safest bet. Regardless of which demographic group you need to reach, utilizing social media ads can help you promote your products and services with a high ROI.

The world of digital marketing can be challenging to navigate. When you’re ready to create a marketing campaign with the broadest possible reach, using a combination of Google Ads, Bing Ads, and social media ads may help you achieve the fastest results. Incorporating multiple advertising platforms into your strategy may be overwhelming, so don’t hesitate to work with an online marketing firm. Our team has the expertise that’s necessary to build a campaign catered to your needs. To learn more about how we can help, please contact us for a consultation.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash