For a lot of brands, influencer marketing is seen as one of the most effective and successful ways to build a believable and authentic reputation. Many are left wondering, however, just how cost effective and successful these campaigns really are. Whether you’re feeling skeptical about this new age marketing strategy or you’re eager to dive in, you’re going to want to check out this data from MDG Advertising.

Exactly how popular is influencer marketing, anyway? To be specific, it’s half a billion dollars popular, on Instagram alone. Two-thirds of the businesses that participated MDG’s survey say they’re running some sort of influencer program online, and nearly half say they’ll increase their budget in the future. It’s safe to say that this marketing strategy is here to stay. To learn more about the current state of influencer marketing, check out this infographic.

The State of Influencer Marketing: What Every Brand Needs to Know [Infographic]
by MDG Advertising