In recent years, Twitter has gained notoriety as one of the best social media marketing platforms for businesses both large and small. Companies often looked to Facebook and LinkedIn for their marketing needs, but now Twitter is viewed equally as important and a key element in any successful online marketing campaign. Here we share tips on how to create and implement a successful Twitter strategy.
Define Your Target Audience
If you don’t clearly identify your target audience, your Twitter strategy will lose all legitimacy immediately. Your best audience is comprised of people who would be interested in your product or service. For example, an interior design company would do well to target property owners, contractors, realtors, and the like. By earmarking your target audience, you have a solid foundation on which to build an advertising platform that would catch select users’ attention.
Identify Objectives and Set Goals
Perhaps you wish to increase sales, promote your brand, drive traffic to your website, or even sell off a previous year’s product. Regardless of your intention, Twitter is a flexible platform that allows businesses to create specific, goal-oriented marketing strategies. With your audience defined and your objective set, you can begin to clarify your messaging and strategy.
Create and Implement Your Campaign
Once you have laid out your Twitter marketing goals and intended audience, it’s time to create engaging content. Concise, quality messaging is key when seeking success on Twitter. Its limited characters mean that your content must be efficient, direct, and attention-grabbing. Once you’ve created engaging content, you can utilize Twitter’s various tools to schedule and publish tweets and target certain groups of users.
Inspire the Audience
Customers are spending increased time on the internet. They desire to interact with online communities that speak to their needs and interests. Employ a balance of humor, ethos, and insight into your content and the audience will be more inclined to participate by commenting or retweeting, thus sharing your message with an even larger audience. Twitter’s straightforward platform is the perfect amphitheater for company-to-consumer communication.
Utilize Analytics
This isn’t a set it and forget it situation. In order to ensure your Twitter marketing strategy is working optimally, you’ll need to analyze its impact. Depending on your original objectives and goals, this can be accomplished in a number of ways. Use Twitter Analytics to examine how each tweet performed throughout the month and adjust the messaging or target audience accordingly. Another tool, Tweet Counter, can help keep track of retweets and followers. Talkwalker shows trending topics related to your business so you can implement key hashtags in upcoming posts.
Twitter offers an effective, inexpensive social media marketing platform with access to millions of users. At the end of 2018, Twitter reported having 326 million users — that’s a lot of potential eyes on your business. At SunnySide, we specialize in shaping a straightforward, effective Twitter strategy to accomplish your business goals, getting the right folks access to your project or service. Contact us to learn more about your social media marketing options.