When it comes to social media, Twitter is one platform that continues to baffle some business owners and marketers. With a unique posting format and a (yet another) confusing newsfeed algorithm, some may find the website difficult to navigate and master, from a marketing standpoint. Standing out among the thousands of tweets per second that are going out can be a challenge, but there are strategies you can use to make sure your content gets seen.
While crafting a thoughtful and effective marketing strategy is a major step in reaching your highest potential, it’s important to first understand the algorithm Twitter uses to organize your newsfeed. Social media sites are constantly evolving and changing their algorithms, but Twitter is one of the few that focuses on keeping users’ feeds as “real-time” as possible. With this in mind, we invite you to check out this helpful infographic, courtesy of Digital Information World, to get a clear understanding of how it works.
Infographic courtesy of: Digitalinformationworld.com.