YouTube is a constantly changing social media platform ideal for businesses and individuals. With its immense popularity driving its evolution, recent changes have focused more on value and less on views. To keep up with the 2025 YouTube trends, consider doing the following:
Ditch the Shock Value
It comes as no surprise that shock value has run its course; clickbait wasn’t going to click with audiences forever. YouTube recognizes this and now values meaningful, helpful, and informative content over content designed to draw attention and little else.
This new stance requires content creators to abandon sensationalism in favor of authenticity. In other words, don’t focus on the quantity of your views; concentrate on the quality of your videos.
Practice Your Vertical
Vertical live streaming is making a name for itself on YouTube short feeds, something bound to happen because of how people hold their smartphones. Vertical videos align with a phone’s natural orientation (we tend to hold phones straight up rather than on their sides) while maximizing screen space and allowing for a more immersive experience. All of this translates into higher interest and more engagement among audiences.
Aspire for 90 Seconds in YouTube Utopia
The different time restrictions on various social media platforms make it challenging to create one-size-fits-all videos, but YouTube is doing its part to remedy this. While YouTube once capped their short feeds at 60 seconds, 90 seconds is optimal.
Ninety seconds is just long enough to convey your message while holding the viewer’s attention; the “magic” length allows for distribution across multiple platforms without any additional editing.
Focus Less on Subscribers and More on Content
YouTube’s algorithm has been tweaked to focus on unique viewers and returning audience members over the total number of subscribers. This gives watch-worthy and fresh content an edge over channels with many subscribers but little traffic.
While it might sound counterintuitive, YouTube’s changes mean that viral moments are not what you should be chasing; instead, focus on a consistent stream of moving, humorous, or informative content to help your channel thrive.
Like all social media outlets, YouTube is constantly improving. If you have any questions about this platform or its changing trends, give us a shout; we’ll be happy to help.