If you’re hoping to optimize your content marketing strategy, one of the key pieces of information you should start with is who your audience is. Where do they live? What are their hobbies? Perhaps the most important question of all is, “How old is my audience?” If you aren’t sure what the answer is, there are a few ways to find out: look at your current customer base, check out your competition, and analyze your product. Once you have this information, it’s time to begin tailoring your content to appeal to that generation!

Whether your audience is primarily baby boomers, gen x, millennials, or gen z can make a huge impact on your results by platform and content type. Based on recent data, you will find that baby boomers prefer Facebook, gen x and millennials prefer Instagram and Facebook, and gen z prefers Instagram and Snapchat. The likes and needs of each generations varies greatly, so it’s important to pay attention! In this infographic below, learn more about tailoring your content for your audience’s age.


Optimize Your Content | Social Media | Denver Marketing