Making Pinterest Work for your Company

Over the years, Pinterest has become an incredibly useful tool, both for personal and business use.  For businesses in particular, Pinterest has provided a tool for marketing and communicating with not only potential clients, but other businesses as well. For any...

Tips on Building Pinterest Followers

Followers are crucial for expanding one’s reach on Pinterest. More followers results in more likes, re-pins, and comments. Companies who create their own Pinterest accounts do so with specific goals in mind. For a business specifically, having more followers means...

The Skinny on Pinterest’s Rich Pins

When browsing through Pinterest, have you ever found something you just had to buy? Or perhaps you find a recipe you’re just dying to make. However, when you click though, often times your product or recipe of interest leads to a dead link, with zero product...

7 Pinterest Tips for Your B2B Marketing Strategy

Acting as a virtual pin board, Pinterest is a social media site that allows users to visually curate and share images and videos of the things they like in a unique and engaging way. Members can create boards on a variety of topics that interest them, pinning relevant...