website ada compliance

Your website is critical for connecting with your audience and shaping visitors’ impressions. Regardless of the type of business you own or manage, website ADA compliance is critical. You should always make sure that your site is Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant. In the United States, it’s estimated that at least 1 in 5 individuals have some form of disability. Despite this fact, only about 10% of websites are accessible to those with disabilities. Creating an inclusive site is an excellent step to take, and can be easily achieved with WordPress design. Read on to learn more about why your site should be ADA compliant and tips to help you reach this goal.

Expand Your Reach

When your website isn’t ADA compliant, you may miss out on the opportunity to reach your complete target audience. By designing your site with accessibility in mind, you’ll maximize the number of people you can connect with.

Improve Your SEO

SEO best practices are always changing and it can be challenging to keep up. However, sites that are inclusive tend to perform better than those that aren’t. By complying with accessibility standards, you’ll have a better chance of improving your rankings. There are many ways to start including accessibility features, such as adding alternative text for images, including subtitles for videos, and using headers appropriately to help screen readers decipher your content.

Boost Potential For Conversions

Designing an accessible website is crucial for carrying out your brand’s vision of inclusion, but it’s also a smart move that can help boost conversions. A thoughtfully-designed site with contrasting colors and good visibility benefits all visitors to your site and may even encourage individuals to stick around and keep browsing.

Create Trust

Customers have more options than ever before, so companies have to earn their business by building trust and an admirable reputation. By highlighting your commitment to ADA compliance, you’ll create trust and show your clients that you value every visitor to your site. Whether you’re ready to start building a new website from scratch or you’d like to redesign your current site, paying attention to ADA compliance will benefit your brand. Navigating the complexities of site construction can be tedious, so you may prefer to work with a team of professionals to get the job done. We have recently discovered an automatic and affordable solution to offer our clients—an AI system compatible with websites of all shapes and sizes. We have extensive experience with WordPress design and are here to help you achieve full ADA compliance.  If you’d like to explore the system and implement it yourself, visit accessiBe’s website. To learn more about our services and arrange a consultation, please contact our team.