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When it comes to CMS options, there are a lot to choose from. But sometimes going with a tried-and-true favorite is the best choice. In fact, there are all sorts of reasons to choose WordPress, including the following:  

WordPress is Free 

Cost is a concern for most businesses, particularly startups that might not be in the black just yet. That makes WordPress especially ideal: it’s free to use, allowing you to spend your money on things like marketing, graphic design, or product development. CMS doesn’t get more affordable than that!

WordPress Adapts to Your Needs

WordPress is coded to allow you to use a single platform in a variety of ways. This empowers you to incorporate all your business tools on one site regardless of the type of business you have or what you want to do with your website. You can add image galleries, sell products, customize pages, survey consumers, or blog about the latest happenings within your industry. 

WordPress Allows Full Customization

WordPress is highly customizable, giving you the opportunity to create a website most ideal for your business needs. A few of the bells and whistles it offers include page privacy where certain content is only visible to specific audiences, scheduling content to be released on a preferred day or time, uploading multimedia and photos without any experience in graphic design, strategic categorizing and tagging, and an ample selection of plugins and widgets. There are currently more than 58,000 free ones available. 

WordPress is Good for SEO and Interaction

A website with the proper SEO can help users and potential customers find you while a site optimized for interaction can help with customer retention. Fortunately, WordPress shines in both areas. From a mechanics standpoint, WordPress is set up to take care of 80-90% of your site’s SEO needs. On the interactive front, it’s user-friendly and allows customers to make comments, ask questions, and leave feedback. 

WordPress is Easy to Learn

A lot of businesses shy away from anything that feels too technical; programming contacts into their smartphones is pretty much the apex of their technological ambition. But you don’t need to have a degree in computer science to use WordPress. This isn’t to say there’s no challenge, but the learning curve is a slight hill rather than a steep mountain. 

A good CMS is the first step in producing engaging and effective content to help your business thrive. Are you looking for a qualified WordPress designer in Denver CO? Give us a shout to speak with a WordPress designer today.