Bluetooth Beacon

image courtesy of Pixabay

Earlier this year, Facebook introduced Place Tips as a fresh way for companies to reach out to customers. The program connects brick and mortar businesses to visiting Facebook users in real time, while clients are physically in the store.

This Monday, the social media giant rolled out a new device called Bluetooth beacons, which will help establishments better optimize Place Tips. The tool is being offered to some U.S. businesses for free, as the most reliable way to trigger Place Tips on iPhones (with beacon support in development for Androids).

Rather than rely on standard locators, like cell towers, Wi-Fi, and GPS, beacons send out signals from operating stores directly to users via the Facebook app. For those who have given the social media platform permission to access their phones, Place Tips provides useful information and photos about a shop, once a customer steps inside and virtually checks in. It’s a personalized and extra feature for those who want to further engage with their favorite companies. Facebook only utilizes the program when there is enough useful or interesting content to share with users.

Bluetooth Beacon

image courtesy of Pixabay

When in effect, Place Tips shows up at the top of a user’s News Feed with information regarding store offers, upcoming events, customer recommendations, and any other helpful tidbits. For instance, at a restaurant the program may show its hours, popular dishes, or daily specials. At a clothing store, users may receive news about current sale items or see what their friends have recently purchased.

Place Tips allows companies to promote and market different aspects of their establishment to Facebook users. Stores can have a welcome note pop up every time a customer checks in, in addition to displaying updated features like special events and offers. Businesses looking for a new and different way to reach out to their Facebook audience can utilize the program and even request a free Bluetooth beacon, which will let them locate and connect with customers more effectively.

If you’re interested in expanding your social media outreach, with Place Tips or other online tools, please contact us for assistance: