Seniors on Social MediaSocial media use among senior citizens is on the rise in America. Whether it be for fun, for information gathering, or simply out of curiosity, seniors are taking to social media like never before.

From a statistical standpoint, senior citizens have become one of the largest, and fastest growing demographics to date utilizing social media. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Skype, and Pinterest have all become popular attractions for people 65 and older for a variety of reasons.

Social media sites seem to have a deeper meaning for seniors than they do for other demographics. Sites like Facebook have given seniors the ability to keep in touch with loved ones miles away. They have also provided a sense of community and belonging, and a way of staying informed.

Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are excellent means for keeping up with family and friends, and for keeping up with current events. According to Forbes, 40% of senior citizens on Facebook use it to connect with family and friends, 30% use it to share photos, 20% use it for social gaming, and 10% use it for contests and games.

39 million senior citizens are currently using social media outlets. In fact, 11% of Facebook’s 1.15 billion users are over the age of 65. That’s 14.8 million users, and quite a substantial statistic.

Marketing companies have begun to take a serious interest in seniors’ use of social media. One of the leading reasons is because this demographic has proven to be wealthier than the rest of the social media users.

Seniors are also living longer than they were a few decades ago, and have become more interested than ever in staying as up-to-date with current trends as possible. This is most likely why AARP has over 65,000 followers on Twitter.

Twitter has become an incredibly attractive avenue for senior citizens. It has proven to be easily accessible, and provides excellent, real time information. Most senior citizens choose to follow news worthy sources, health resources, and literary publications.

Merrill Gardens, one of the most well known assisted living homes in the United States, now uses social media, not only to stay in contact with family members of residents, but for keeping the residents informed as well.

Communication has changed drastically in the last few decades. Seniors have experienced the transition from landlines to cell phones, to email, and now social media. These days, talking to a loved one hundreds of miles away has never been easier.

With social media sites becoming one of the leading means of communication around the world, it’s no wonder that senior citizens are taking interest. Facebook and Twitter have opened up entirely new avenues for communication and information gathering, and have made it available right at their fingertips.