amazon sponsored brands

Amazon’s Sponsored Brands offer businesses a chance to market more effectively through customized, cost-per-click ads. By giving you control of your logo, story, and inventory, you can focus on all elements of your brand, showcasing your products the exact way you want.

With the new video feature on Sponsored Brands, you can now do even more on the Amazon platform. Link your video ads to your online store and enjoy premium benefits through the Top of Search placement, which allows for more potent visibility. 

Businesses that take advantage of this novel feature have seen a 55% increase in page views. Potential customers also spend twice as long viewing products, resulting in a 15% increase in sales.   

Other advantages of Sponsored Brands include the following:

Store Engagement

Video is among the most engaging ad formats. It merges the audio and visual to draw customers in and create marketing magic, telling a story in a more vibrant and relatable way. Not only that, but videos are easily shareable, allowing potential customers to send them to other potential customers. 

More Creative Freedom 

Sponsored Brands allow you to explore your creative freedom and get in touch with your inner artist. You can link all sorts of videos to your store, including those that use humor, tug at the heartstrings, or focus on a specific sale. You can also launch different campaigns so you can separate what works well from what you should recommend to your competition. 

Higher Profits 

Of course, the above benefits work together to increase your company’s profits. With more customers driven to your pages, more eyes on your product, and more engagement, you’re likely to make more sales and truly tap into the Amazon powerhouse. And that’s the entire point of running a business in the first place!

Need some guidance on Sponsored Brands or anything else? Give us a shout and we’ll be happy to help.