Hashtag Etiquette 101

As more and more businesses are turning to social media as a viable way of expanding their client base and broadening their reach, hashtags are becoming more important than ever.  If you wish to brand your business through Twitter, it is important to know the dos and...

Grow your Google+ Followers with these Tips

Google+ is a powerful, business-friendly social media platform. Being active and engaging with other users and brands can improve SEO and search rankings, making it important to improve your profile and build an audience. Here are a few ways to grow your following and...

How To Use Hashtags on Google Plus [Infographic]

It has become a hashtag world in the ‘social media sphere’. If used correctly this social pound-sign has such great influencing power and can get your content in front of not only more people, but the right people! In essence, this tool helps businesses...

Google Authorship

Authorship is a great new feature offered by Google that allows authors to link published content to their google profile.  Google Authorship offers immeasurable benefits to hobby bloggers and professional writers alike. Content creators place a lot of value in their...

Negative SEO

Business owners today spend the majority of their marketing dollars and countless hours working to boost their business’s online presence.  Many sites have spent years building killer content that grabs attention and delights the audience. A website, whether for...